Tuesday, July 25, 2006

15. The Ritual of existence

Deeds reflect beliefs...

What a simple fact that triggered my imagination... this is just a simple idea, but try to live with it... abide your life to it...

Why would I ask in a prayer for a clearer path... better vision... when the path is there and can see it...

It all started when a crazy idea crossed my mind... a thought that still visit me from time to time... well.. for me each one of us is THE CENTRE of this universe we live in...

Life and paths are the interaction of these centers trying to share the beauty.

Another idea followed this... the only fate I believe in is our existence... we exist to share this beauty freely... so free that we can, and sometimes do, choose to set our eyes away from it...

Are these the criteria that sets the rules and justify the results? That's my haunting line which started to give my life a different meaning...

A new beginning...

Decisions and choices have always been a quest for me...the question I keep asking "Why choices exist?"

How many of these choices really exist... how many of them we force them to drop from our list... Do we really pick up our own choice?


Or our beliefs that will take us to the paths that we want to walk through.

Our beliefs are the harvest of seeds we allow to grow in our lives...


Anonymous said...

All i have seen teaches me to trust The Creator for all i have not seen

Anonymous said...

As per my thinking.....the decisions we make in life... are some where dependent on the impressions which exist in our hearts..our souls.
We have been carring these impressions for eternity...
But its our wisdon and faith which guids us in making the right decision...choosing the path which is right and true...

Anonymous said...

Be humble and never think that you are better than any one else "For dust you are and unto dust you shall return"