The ritual of the …
Being raised in some kind of conservative atmosphere drew a perfect picture in my mind about certain issues.
One of the earliest logos that was engraved on my young rock of knowledge is “God is love”.
Years passed, the young rock managed to stay intact in spite of the shocks my mind had when started to interact with this “conservative atmosphere”… anyway… that logo merged again to surface… and started to help me go through moments of stormy events…
Last night I was walking under the rain wondering about life… realized that God used love to reveal Himself to us… it might be that love was before the word… maybe I can be too daring to say that He created love … before anything else…
Through His teachings He asked us to love others… specially the ones we do not share this love with…no matter what the reason is…
As hard and holy as this idea sounds … it is not impossible… actually it is so reachable that you are surprised to how do you miss it…
Lot of these people does not share love… for very simple reason… they never experienced love… and they are too proud to admit it…
All of us know when we love… but lots don’t know when they are loved… even when talking about God’s love.
This great feeling is becoming like a mechanical transfer from one state to another. Making these four letters just… well… letters… nothing more.
These kind of people even when they say they love their nearest people, they do it because they have to… not because others deserve it… they always expect the other side should do the same… because they were told that love is give and take… you have to pay few caring moments… as a payback for the moments I gave you…
To be in love is to do everything that does not go along with what is written in the book entitled “time is money”… being in love is to be crazy… to laugh… to forget using reason to explain how things are working…simply let love do the living…
To be in love is to be able to say “I love you” to the Other… whoever is that… knowing that these words are to someone who deserves to be loved… the same way you are loved by your Creator… who helped you find and know love…
Love is not a two way street… it is the way to give for no reason… if you believe in this… then … only then… when you say those words… they will be no more of love… they will be of agape that your listener will suddenly see the door that was always there but afraid to open or even look through its key hole…and will let you in…
Love is the path to God… and everybody deserves to be loved…
This is what I learned … this is what to share with you … else it becomes another forgotten ritual…
God is love. I don't think He had to create love. He is love. Love has many faces...the Greeks have many words for love...the love of a parent for a child, the love of siblings, friends, husband for wife, wife for husband, love of country, love of God for us, and our love for Him....I used to know all these words when I was younger, now I only remember a few. But the concept of there being many kinds of love I remembered. We are admonished to love our enemies and to forgive them as God has forgiven us...this is how they will see His love...through us. It is very hard for humans to love unselfishly...it is our nature to expect something in return..but for those who draw near to their Creator...He will love the unloveable throught them, but this requires an act of our free will, we must allow Him to work through us. These are my thoughts on love...you are so correct that love is the path to God.
marc from yahoo hear i like the little grasshopper touch just finished reading some of your blog very deep you sound like a very religous person that misses her homeland and family which is very admirable in my book and i do think some day you will be reunited with both i,ve met and talked with people from all other this planet and you sound determined to accomplish this task and with gods help i know you will marc (marc297@netzero.com)
Happy Birthday little Grasshopper , I love you and will love you for ever without expecting a thing , Enjoy it , it is all yours ,with God Blessing.
Peace my friend nothing is worth the pain any more I have been trying to except the reality of being unworthy of love , just asked for peace , my mistake I love and keeps loving in the same way , never learned, never learned , peace my friend , I asked for peace only ,
Please keep it public
و بحبك
ثم انطلق صوت الدف و الربابة بمرافقة صوت الناي الثاقب
انصت الى صوت المزمار و الى الحكاية التي تحكيها
كيف انها تصدح بالفراق
فمنذان اقتلعت من حقل القصب
لا يزال عويلي يبكي الرجال و النساء
اليف شفق
قواعد العشق الاربعون
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