The ritual of an Empty Chair
What do you think of when you see an empty chair… which of below is more descriptive…?
A hope… a memory… a commitment… yourself…
I always wondered why???
During my physics study, I admired the way Physics look at things… it opens new doors to same facts… it creates its own view of logic…
Lot of people tells me Physics is about figures numbers and lot of formulas…
Others accuse physics of stripping the beauty from nature, because it tends to formulate everything to formulas and numbers…
Well, these might be true… for Physics books have so many formulas that most of the pages are empty, with few words in them.
But doesn’t all surrounding matter is mostly made of space…
Think of the far away galaxies… constellations… that are all empty space… go to the atom and you will be surprised with the amount of empty space…
So far nothing is so fascinating… I guess …but the concept or idea that fascinated me most in physics is “the state of non-existence”… “The state of non-existence”…a good example of “the state of non-existence is the positron is a non-existing electron…
What a concept… when Al Khawarizmi presented his idea of the “zero”, he gave a face to “NOTHING”, can you imagine how many red lines he crossed to say numbers need a “NULL”… a “NOTHING”
When “NOTHING” is added to a figure, it either multiplies the figure or it wouldn’t change anything… all depends on which side the zeros are standing…
“Nothing” can even change numbers from teens to Twenties…
On the other hand when “the non-existing” electron meets and electron… they both disappear and energy in different forms is released.
Let’s go back to my empty chair… it is the space I need to move, to breathe. I always sit next to an empty chair… ask for one if it is not available…
Sometimes, my non-existing self sits on it and we both reach hands and disappear…
There is so much space in our lives… wonder how much this space can hold…from now on, and empty chair is the space I have to have…
The space that can be filled…
…by an idea
… by a friend
… by a thought
… by love
I wonder how much of space is left…
Have never bowed in respect for something more than an empty chair…
That empty chair is there for any new possibility in my life,
And if I work hard, and allow it… it might be filled with my wildest imagination… and it will meet my reality … they will both generate so much… that the whole world might feel it…